Tuesday, June 30, 2009

First Blog!

So I know everyone else has been doing this but I never have, and it makes only scene because i cannot keep a journal to keep a blog. So here it is. Hopefully I will keep up on this but who only knows.
So as an update, im out of college, first year done! Changed my major from a BFA Costume major to Liberal Arts, a
nd from there who knows. Wish I did. The year was a busy blast though even if I didn't get to come home as much as I wanted. I was able to make some fantastic friends that i hopefully will have for a lifetime! And it leads to my roommate this year, Kara, we got a first floor Disney suit which was as good as we could have gotten without getting the corodoor style, like we had in Alumni. But whatever. We will have two other roomates, who I don't know who they are but hopfully will soon. But it will be fun.
In other news, I am working on a new dress for Civil War. A striped brown and blue silk, so its gonna be fabulous! Its almost done but I am waiting to get the silk I ordered from ebay to arrive and then I get to tea dye it. I just hope this dress will be done by mumford.
And then there was the past weekend! I have been in De for the past week with stephen. I had a wedding to go to. Gretchen and Joseph Torres! Gretchen is Stephens Cousin. The wedding was just wonderful! The wedding
was just amazing!
The day before that Stephen took me to Gettysburg and we toured
around for a while. Went to Big and Little round top, saw lots of monuments, was nice to just relax. And to top all of it all, we went to the Jewlers Daughter and he got me a wonderful neclace and earing set for my ball gown. Hes so wonderful. He knows just what to do to make my day and make me smile.
For the rest of the wee
k that I was down there I just hung out, nothing really crazy just played some guitar hero, sims 3 (which rocks) and watched a ton of movies while stephen worked.
Then Stephen brought me back to Ny on friday. And then on Saturday we had a very early morning and went to the Arcade and Attica Railroad, to promote the event thats going to happen on august 8th and 9th. And that was fun. I got to see Jon and Cathy Asplin, and cathys mom and little mathew, when I say little I mean not so little. He is getitng so big! It was really nice just to ride on the train and not have to do anything
special, just to look outside and enjoy the ride. I can't wait for arcade.
So now im sitting here watching some tv and
probably gonna play some wii soon, or gonna cut out some fabric for mumford.
I should update soon!
(The First picture is the lovely bride and groom
The Second Picture
is Stephen and I and his family
And the Third picture is stephen and I)


  1. Hey girly its Jessica 2, I saw this on your facebook so I just wanted to say hi! I think I am coming to Mumford this year, so I can't wait to see you there!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. BETH!!! I has blog too:
